World thought leaders in High Performance



I do my shopping only at high performance supermarkets

Excellence in the desert

evidence-based management research

I love evidence-based management research!

The Stupidity Paradox

HPO makes you want to sing and dance

HPO makes you want to sing and dance!


HPO Model + HPO Framework = Organizational Improvement for a European Mu...

Are you a strong role model?

Continuous improvement – the next step for Industrial Engineers

The employee survey: benefits, problems in practice, and the relation wi...

If You’re Using These Management Methods, You’re Wasting Both Time and M...

Ideas to inspire your employees


Good Management Does Make Sense!


8 reasons for organizations to excel

The end of economic growth … the start of social growth?

HPO success factor: Continuous Improvement & Renewal (Innovation)

The HPO Framework: guideline for mergers

The HPO Framework: guideline for mergers